Monday, June 25, 2007

Creepy: A How-To...

So, in lieu of a "creepy or funny" post today, I decided to go with an educational "how to be creepy" post.

Let's kick it off with everyone's favorite artificially intelligent toy, the Furby:

What we learn from the Furby is that creepiness is a function of cuteness, cuddliness, and intelligent thought, inversely proportional to the amount of soul-lessness of the possessor.

Which then bares the question: "If a soul is then factored in, why then would a creature similar to a Furby in cuteness and cuddliness be considered creepy?"

The answer to that question resides in the possibility of unexpected transformation into something altogether more hideous, grotesque, and evil.


Now, Real-world example #1
Cuteness: check. Cuddliness: check. Soul-lessness: well, you decide...

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Clown Noses

So...what are your feelings on clown noses?

I think they go a long way in taking the creepy out of anyone. Take this guy, for instance:



See? TONS less creepy...

Friday, June 8, 2007

Keaton on Keaton

So...Michael Keaton

Michael Keaton as Batman in a rubber costume and a cape

Michael Keaton covered in snow, minus a cape

OR—and this is a big one—

Multiple Michael Keatons

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Hall O' Presidents

This one is a two-parter.

First, Creepy or Funny: Hall of Presidents?

But what if the hall of presidents were like this?